On 3/3/06, Chris Kennon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A accessibility/usability quirk was posed to me and led to a "me
> neither" response. I've yet to encounter a font for the web that has
> a distinction between the uppercase letter O and the number 0. If
> such a font exist, which is it?

My first thought was that if it's extremely important, switch to a
monospace font because they typically have a slash through the zero to
distinguish it. Unfortunately, Courier New -- the most likely thing a
PC user will see if you set font to 'monospace' -- doesn't do that :(

Monaco, which is the default monospace font on Macs, does use a
slashed zero, however, and so does Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, which is
coming to be the most common default monospace font under Linux.

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