Firstly I have no argument for you to give your customer.

Having a new window is not like having windows pop up automatically. If there is a requirement for the content to be displayed in a new window then why use a different doc type for that one page?

Now when I mention "requirement' I mean for a legitimate reason other than advertisements and the like. Say for example the new window when banking or a tutorial movie that does not need to take up the entire browser real estate..

I don't believe they should be used to own or contain the visitor. Your content should be enough to keep them there as long as they feel they need to be there.

If your stats are showing that they are leaving soon after arriving then either your content is not what they were expecting or needed or it is not up to the standard your peers are offering.

And as for the Jakob Nielson argument I, for one, have never subscribed to that point of view.


Ryan Lin wrote:
Hi all,

With the XHTML Strict DTD, forcing a new window to open for a link via target="_blank" is not a valid semantic method anymore. I myself believe that whether to open in a new or current window should be user decision, not wed designer/developer. If I am using Strict DTD, the only way to achieve opening the new window is through JavaScripts.

So what argument should I give to my clients not to use target="_blank" ? If I say that won't validate your page, they won't care. So any non-technical argument that I can give to them?


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