On 5/9/07 (22:43) Felix said:

>4-Not all web users are morons to whom the implicit meaning of Personal
>Computer (PC) is lost. Personal means under and subject to the control
>and personalization of the computers they own and/or use. That "most"
don't go
>beyond setting of desktop wallpaper and screensaver in personalizing is
>no reason to assume that any change you make that affects what they see
>is likely to be better for them than if you didn't. That you like smaller
>fonts than the defaults is no reason to assume they do too.

There is a very wide gulf between a) saying that many (perhaps even the
majority) of web users are unaware that changing the default text size
is an option and b) saying those people are morons. 

Conversely, not being a moron does /not/ imply that the person has
changed their defaults. I can think of a large number people just within
my (non-IT professional) friends and family who would have no idea about
tinkering with their browser settings in that way. Are they morons? Of
course not. But the fact remains that they have never adjusted their defaults.

>That you like smaller fonts than the defaults is no reason to assume
>they do too.

Correct. Nor is it a reason to assume that they do not.

Rick Lecoat

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