Christie Mason wrote:
I think you'd better check your history books. Changes in culture occurred first, creating an environment for the laws to be created - for better or worse. Odd that you chose examples involving a king and a dictator, not the best examples of the body politic.

Tell me when I make an incorrect assumption.

• As a society, we don’t believe discrimination based on physical or purchase ability should be tolerated – in almost any circumstance possible.

• As a society, we addapt and enforce laws to serve widely-held beliefs.

Andrew was proving that even in the most unpopular and undemocratic of cases, law follows culture – and as it turns out The Matrix was a film and actually, humans conceive of and enforce law. If a majority supports a law and it is passed, I don’t think you’re going to get much success parading yourself as a liberator shouting “You’re letting laws determine your way of thinking!”. It’s bloody obvious to everyone here that the case in point is exactly the opposite.


PS: I would like to call Goodwin’s law and get myself and every other participant to this thread banned from this list. Web standards forever, eh? If PPK saw this he’d shoot himself.

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