Why not simply display the email address as a simple mailto only when the
browser is a screen reader?

On 10/17/07, Rick Lecoat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17/10/07 (14:16) Patrick said:
> >Fix your spam issues at the mail server + mail client end, not at the
> >web page end, would be my advice.
> David said:
> >I, long ago, gave up trying. Methods are either highly ineffective,
> >or block out users you want as well as spam bots. I take the view
> >that email addresses are going to end up on spam lists eventually no
> >matter what I do, and just run spam filtering software.
> So the general consensus would seem to be "forgeddabowdit".
> I wondered if that would be the result, but I'm surprised that there
> isn't a workaround -- only because almost everything else that I thought
> would be impossible some clever person has found a way to do.
> To join with Andrew Maben, however, I'd be curious to know whether
> spambots decode encoded entity text, eg:
> 'user'
>     becomes
> '&#117;&#115;&#101;&#114;'
> (ignore quote marks).
> I assume that they can read them perfectly easily -- browsers can, after
> all -- but it'd be good to know for sure.
> Same question for screen readers.
> --
> Rick Lecoat
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