> "Pages that validate as strict are superior to transitional because

Because the strict doctype helps us follow one of the principles of best
practice - "to remove all presentation from markup".

To do this fully, we should aim to remove all presentational elements and
attributes from our markup.

How does the strict doctype help this? Here are some examples...

Using the Transitional doctype, the following presentational ELEMENTS are

- u
- s and strike
- center
- font
- basefont

Using the strict doctype these are not allowed - they are invalid.

Using the Transitional doctype, the following presentational ATTRIBUTES are

- background and background-color attributes for body element.
- align attribute on div, form, paragraph (p), and heading (h1...h6)
- align, noshade, size, and width attributes on hr element
- align, border, vspace, and hspace attributes on img and object elements
- align attribute on legend and caption elements
- align and background-color on table element
- nowrap, bgcolor, width, height on td and th elements
- bgcolor attribute on tr element
- clear attribute on br element

Using the strict doctype these are not allowed - they are invalid.

With the transitional doctype inline elements and character strings are
allowed in:

- body
- blockquote
- form
- noscript
- Noframes

Using the strict doctype these are not allowed. They are invalid.

Why is it important to remove presentational elements and attributes from
markup? Because presentational elements and attributes add weight to the
page and make it harder for you to manage, change the presentation of the
page at a later date.


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