Thanks very much Gunlaug - that did work!

And Matljs - re the banner table, I work at a university where you are
supposed to use their template for university web pages. And the template is
all in tables!! Over time I have taken most of the template out of tables,
but to date have left the banner. This time I got the lefthand nav
successfully out! I'll have a look at using your solution next time but I
imagine it will take a while to get the banner to display the way it's
supposed to without being in a table.

And I've spent more time that I should have on this site already! At least
I've fixed up the lefthand nav so it holds together, and displays correctly
in IE6 (which is as low as we have to go here).


On 15/5/08 6:13 PM, "Gunlaug Sørtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:
>> That big image on the right is a bg image in a container that has
>> absolute positioning. It works fine in Firefox on my Mac, but IE6 it
>> drops down.
>> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
> You're trying to fixed-position a background, which I don't think you
> really want since that means the background is positioned relative to
> the browser-window - not the page.
> Anyway, IE6 can't handle fixed backgrounds on regular elements inside
> body, so it is absolute positioning that background.
> Change to...
> #entryContainer {
> background: #FFF url(entry-bg.jpg) no-repeat 193px 0;
> }
> ...and IE6 will line up with the other browsers - or rather the other
> way around but with all parts in the correct places.
> regards
> Georg

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