> And I've spent more time that I should have on this site already! At least
> I've fixed up the lefthand nav so it holds together, and displays
>in IE6 (which is as low as we have to go here).

We all feel your pain ;)

Anyway, good luck with the site and I'm sure you'll get it to work the way
you want it to.



On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Susie Gardner-Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks very much Gunlaug - that did work!
> And Matljs - re the banner table, I work at a university where you are
> supposed to use their template for university web pages. And the template
> is
> all in tables!! Over time I have taken most of the template out of tables,
> but to date have left the banner. This time I got the lefthand nav
> successfully out! I'll have a look at using your solution next time but I
> imagine it will take a while to get the banner to display the way it's
> supposed to without being in a table.
> And I've spent more time that I should have on this site already! At least
> I've fixed up the lefthand nav so it holds together, and displays correctly
> in IE6 (which is as low as we have to go here).
> cheers
> susie
> On 15/5/08 6:13 PM, "Gunlaug Sørtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:
> >
> >> http://crunchie.tedi.uq.edu.au/trials/UCTLC/index6.html
> >
> >> That big image on the right is a bg image in a container that has
> >> absolute positioning. It works fine in Firefox on my Mac, but IE6 it
> >> drops down.
> >
> >> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
> >
> > You're trying to fixed-position a background, which I don't think you
> > really want since that means the background is positioned relative to
> > the browser-window - not the page.
> >
> > Anyway, IE6 can't handle fixed backgrounds on regular elements inside
> > body, so it is absolute positioning that background.
> >
> > Change to...
> >
> > #entryContainer {
> > background: #FFF url(entry-bg.jpg) no-repeat 193px 0;
> >
> > }
> >
> > ...and IE6 will line up with the other browsers - or rather the other
> > way around but with all parts in the correct places.
> >
> > regards
> > Georg
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