This is not a IE5 question, it is whether the navigation element should depend on Javascript.

Navigation should not rely on javascript to display.

Therefore if javascript is off, any descended subnav should display in it's expanded state.

Plenty of examples of this all over the net o no need to go to far into it.


On Jun 6 2008, at 15:47, Rachel Radford wrote:

It sounds like a lot of work for something that you are purely guessing?

As your audience is already part of the community that you're doing the website for, it should be easy to find out a typical setup. Many "old" people I know aren't using IE5 - either they aren't using anything or they have a computer that someone else, such as their children or grandchildren, has set up for them and is relatively new.

Put the work into finding out more about your audience, as IE5 may not even need to be supported to that level. As a backup I would put a list of links to all the subpages on the parent page (where the drop downs originate from), so if there does happen to be someone using IE5 with JS turned off, then they can still easily navigate to all the pages (although it adds another step).

Rach :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of James Jeffery
Sent: Fri 06/06/2008 10:48
Subject: [WSG] Suckerfish and IE 5 with no Javascript

Maybe i am being a little bit picky with this.

I have a suckerfish dropdown, as i feel it is the best approach for
cross-browser (but not A grade) dropdowns. The website i am working on is a youth centre's. The target audience is the community, which can be young or very old. The very old "may" be using IE 5 on older computers (at a guess).
If they have JS disabled and are using IE 5 then they cannot view the
navigation links.

Whats your views on the best way around this?

I was thinking about sing PHP to determine what browser the user is using and if JS is enabled. If its IE 5 and it is not enabled then when a user clicks a link from the navigation menu the page will load but under the navigation will be another div that lists the links uder that sub heading.

|   nav   nav   nav  nav  nav  nav  nav |
|   sub link                         sub link |
|   sub link                         sub link |
|   sub link                         sub link |
all the other content goes on as normal

Only users who are using a browser that does not support the hover psudeo selector on anything other than a elements will see that box. It will be
generated using PHP before the page loads.

I was thinking about doing that for all the users, and have that displaying
regardless, but that may add confusion to the user experience i feel.

Anyone ideas?

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