For a while now, I've been operating on the principle "Code for Firefox,
> hack for IE".
That is, writing CSS for the most standards-compliant browser, and then
> making adjustments for non-standard behaviour.
Is this the way anyone works?
Is it the best way to work?
I use basically the same approach, but I code for Opera; checking in Firefox
and Safari. Then hack for IE at the end. On very large builds I do the
occasional check for IE as well just to make sure things haven't gone really
badly wrong in IE in some unpredictable way.

I don't think you should "code for firefox" though. That's no better than
"coding for IE" since you're just coding for a specific browser. A much
better way to operate is "coding for standards compliant browsers" (or at
least those browsers with the strongest standards support). I would
recommend you broaden your initial testing to include Opera and Safari as
well - they generally agree anyway but it's better to be thorough.

If your boss really questions this you can always point out that building
and testing in the better browsers is much faster. Most people find it is
more efficient to get things working in the good browsers then do one round
of hacking at the end for IE. I know I find it more efficient that way.

You just have to get clients/etc to do their previews in something other
than IE :)



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--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson

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