On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:42 PM, James Jeffery <

> Dude, I didn't say that was the high pass filter. I said that was the error
> in the reset.css. The high pass filter is a different issue unrelated to the
> Yahoo
> reset stylesheet.

Ah, sorry - I must have read your original email wrong.

> Also, if you look at the source code for reset-min.css you will see it
> isn't nothing to do with the fonts stylesheet and is infact in the
> reset-min.css stylesheet.

That's weird (and a bit crap of Yahoo!) - it's in the reset-min stylesheet,
but not in the plain view version of the stylesheet shown on the main YUI
Reset page. Guess they haven't updated all the different places it appears
as they have added bits.

- Matthew

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