OK. For the last almost 24 hours, I have been trying to get the link to the
results posted on the server to work, but have failed miserably. The results
were made public to subscribers of the newsletters they mail out every
month. They have not yet decided to use the Internet to mail out the
newsletters. Just post and allow pay-per-one-time-view. I had to request
permission to have a free link up this time. Now the server will not
cooperate. Still working on it.

To Luke, I did make a mistake in the way I read what was said. They have it
turned on by default but would PREFER not to.

And to Ben, I read what you posted and the links as well, thanks. I guess I
just didn't pay enough attention when searching.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Ben Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So exactly what behavior is mandated for UAs implementing HTML5 if
>> a form is submitted with a 'required' element unsatisfied?
> If I'm reading
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#required0 correctly,
> the form just won't submit if a "required" field is empty. Not sure about
> the UI feedback and so on, although looking at
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#form-submission I
> think the onus will be on the developer to handle error feedback (ie. same
> as now).
> cheers,
> Ben
> --
> --- <http://weblog.200ok.com.au/>
> --- The future has arrived; it's just not
> --- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Brett P.

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