tee wrote:

That being said, it's highly unlikely for a Screen Reader user to realize when a form begins and when a form ends when the screen reader read out the first label set.

JAWS has separate modes, one specifically for forms. Other screenreaders have similar features.

that it makes no differences and help nothing to screen reader user for a short form that contains a few label sets like this:

But say you have a form that has the user enter both shipping address and billing address...how would you differentiate the two sets if you had to do it in one single form (and not being able to split the process into separate pages)? Again, bearing in mind that in JAWS, once you're in forms mode, things like headings and normal text between form elements are not read out unless the users jumps back out of forms mode.

In that case, <legend>Shipping address</legend> and <legend>Billing address</legend> can help enormously.

In conclusion, what you are saying, and what BIM presumed and the way JAWs reads the legend text, seems to me, is a comon Western concept that: "you are guilty unless proven otherwise"– but in the case of accessibility, it is : "every Screen Reader user is 'at disadvantage, not bright (somewhat stupid?!), cannot focus, need extra overly done help". And vola! Following the logic that lacks the common sense, we make their user experience a hell!

It's dangerous to make assumptions about screenreaders and their users, which is my core point. Otherwise, it becomes a patronising "I know what's best for those users". It's far better to actually ask those users directly (or, in the case of Bim, reading what they've got to say on the subject).

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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