"I was aware of the X-UA-Compatible  thing, but have no intention of
going down that route: I have no way of knowing whether my code is
compatible with IE9 or not, so how can I decide which mode it should
render in next year? (As you can all see, I'm not too sure whether it is
compatible with IE8, and this page doesn't like previous versions much

This was why I suggested using a value of IE=8 rather than edge, as
discussed on ALA - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/beyonddoctype

There are drawbacks as Georg mentioned but it seems the safest option to
me. We are supplying all of our sites with an http header from the
server of IE=8, if we want to change a particular site to a different
rendering mode (to get into quirks mode for example) we add the meta tag
which overrides the http header. Seems to be working a treat and avoids
compatibility view entirely.


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