Eyemax Studios wrote:
You can have a look, it's www.studiojunkyard.com I would be more inclined to fix it, when have time hehe.

Well, it definitely isn't what Microsoft believes the Standards should
be. All KHTML/WebKit and Presto browsers agree with IE8 (in Standards
mode), and only Gecko browsers and older IE are missing the

Neither IE's old 'hasLayout' bug nor the particular margin-collapse
behavior in Gecko can be relied on in IE8 and the other browsers. The
'hasLayout' bug is gone in IE8 (in Standards mode).

Try adding/changing to...

.content1, .content2{margin-bottom: 0;}

* html .home{margin-top:110px; /* IE6 */}
*:first-child+html>body .home{margin-top:110px; /* IE7 */}

...for that particular page, and all browsers will line up - in
accordance with standards.

Doesn't prevent your page from looking a bit broken when subjected to
font resizing in all browsers though, I'm afraid.


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