But how will you magnify the images and layout as designed for me to view?
Addressing font issues is only the absolute basic attempt to make the web
more accessible...It's important to be able to see "how" something is said
and with
what supporting content and context, rather than just "what" is said.

Focusing on font-size is quite an antiquated, limited view of accessiblity.

Magnification of entire monitor screens (not just decreasing resolution),
browser magnification address all the issues, and in a very satisfying and
simple manner,
rather than asking/requiring web designers/developers to spend countless
trying to code around the issues.

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 2009/07/02 08:46 (GMT-0700) Dennis Lapcewich composed:
> > The technical term is presbyopia, a physical inability of the lens of the
> > eye to focus properly.  Specifically, the lens loses its elasticity and
> > ability to properly focus on near objects.  It is a natural  course of
> > aging.  Onset is often between the ages of 40-50, however, it has been
> > seen at earlier ages.  In web terms, one's ability to obtain information
> > from computer monitors (web pages) will decrease as one ages, without
> > correction.  The normal method of correction is bifocal lenses, even
> > trifocal lenses in some cases.  As pointed out in another email in this
> > thread, taking advantage of a browser's magnifications abilities through
> > accessibility coding techniques is an excellent example to address this.
> Zoom, minimum text size and magnifiers are defense mechanisms. The basic
> problem is the pervasive offense - not respecting users' font size choices
> by
> incorporating them at 100% for the bulk of content. Thus, an even better
> way
> to address presbyopia is to design to make defenses unnecessary in the
> first
> place.
> > It's rather difficult to overstate the issue when over the course of
> time,
> > presbyopia is pretty much 100 percent universal within the human
> > population.
> --
> No Jesus - No peace , Know Jesus -  Know Peace
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
> Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/
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