Dennis Lapcewich wrote:
While I agree with your general sentiment, I have to say I find
the assertion that all people aged 35-40 or more are "for all
intents and purposes [...] web disabled and [...] in immediate
need of web accessibility" questionable, to say the least.

I really don't see what anyone's visual acuity has over the issue of
font sizes. We have absolutely *no way* of knowing the size of text that
shows up on a visitor's browsing device. Any assumption of "too big" or
"too small" is a crap shoot. The only assumption we *can* make is the
likelihood that a visitor can read text at their device's default - and
even that is not completely certain.

What on earth is the problem of specifying "font-size: 100%;" and using
that for the main text? I really can't see how that leads one to "spend
countless hours to code around the issue," as one contributor maintains.

Sorry to add to the noise. This is - or should be - a non-issue in
today's world of iPhones and 32 inch desk monitors.


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