Hi Katherine,

This is a case of the specificity, or the weight of one selector winning over another selector.

You initially apply a rule using this selector:
#navigation ul a { }

You then apply a new rule for the :hover pseudo-class, using this selector:
#navigation a:hover { }

The third rule you apply is aimed at the last link in your navigation, where the class of "feedback" is applied. This only takes place when you also have the id of "feedback" applied to the body element.
#feedback #navigation .feedback a { }

The first rule's selector has a weight of: 0-1-0-2 (no inline styles, one ID, no classes and two elements) The second rule's selector has a weight of: 0-1-1-1 (no inline styles, one ID, one pseudo-class and one element) The third rule's selector has a weight of: 0-2-1-1 (no inline styles, two IDs, one class and one element)

As you can see, this third rule has much more weight than the two rules above so it wins out - the :hover rule will not be applied in this case. There are a number of solutions, but the quickest is to write a new rule just for this case, making sure the selector is specific enough, and has enough weight:
#feedback #navigation .feedback a:hover { }

Does this all make sense?

I have a simple presentation about specificity and the cascade online here if it helps:


On 13/11/2009, at 4:29 AM, Kathleen R Dery wrote:


I have a .box on my lists. All of them have round corners except the one on feedback page. I was able to get the corner on the bottom-right round last night at one point, but when I moused over it, it changed. Not that corner is not round at all. I am chasing errors, but have not found it yet.

Will someone help?



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