Thanks, David :)

I read up on a few different angles on this - one as you write, <hgroup>
should contain 2 headings, and <h1> and <h2> tags.
But when I initially read about it - and then confirmed for this site - it
could also contain the main header with a strapline, therefore include a <p>
See this HTML5 doctor's site article:

I am using it for that purpose. I wanted to give each page/site section it's
own strapline, a page summary if you will... So I felt the <hgroup> would
give it this meaning rather than classing the entire header as mere


Prisca Schmarsow — 07969 713 329 --- ---

student forum:

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:51 PM, David Storey <> wrote:

> On 18 Aug 2010, at 21:17, Prisca schmarsow wrote:
> Hi ;)
> as the subject has expanded to HTML5 - use it or not yet - I thought I
> might throw in a sample site.
> This is a new site for a webdesign course I run and teach, recently put
> live, setup in WordPress, and using some HTML5.
> (I will not teach next year's students HTML5 yet - but will introduce it in
> the last term, according to the latest spec)
> I would not say the site is pure HTML5 in the strictest sense just
> incorporating suitable HTML5 tags in the theme, as appropriate (I hope). It
> still uses a few standard HTML tags and is a bit of a hybrid, I suppose. I
> aim to keep working on improving the source and tweak it all as time goes on
> ~ and/or specs change.
> For now, I hope it meets with your approval and I would be curious to hear
> your thoughts - if anyone is interested in having a look:
> The HTML5 validator throws up 2 errors, 1 for a span and 1 for a paragraph
> used in the <hgroup> . I did find sources which approve of a <p> being used
> inside the <hgroup>. So I will leave that as it is for now.
> Any thoughts and feedback would be most welcome :)
> hgroup is as far as I can tell a hack to hide a subtitle or such marked up
> as a heading element (h1–h6) from the sectioning algorithm used to calculate
> the structure of your document .
> “The hgroup element is typically used to group a set of one or more h1-h6
> elements — to group, for example, a section title and an accompanying
> subtitle.”
> Thus I think you only use the hgroup if you are using another heading such
> as an h2 for your subtitle, otherwise it isn't really needed and you can
> avoid using the hgroup all together. I could be misinterpreting it though.
> Prisca
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Prisca Schmarsow — 07969 713 329
> --- ---
> student forum:
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:45 PM, tee <> wrote:
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 7:06 AM, jeffrey morin wrote:
>> It's a good starter book to introduce you to HTML5.  It's not a
>>> reference manual just a good starter book.  You still should read the
>>> W3C spec and get the other book Introduction to HTML5.
>>> I will disagree with Jason Grant that it's too early to start using
>>> HTML5.  Because HTML5 supports the older tags you can start using it
>>> today by simply using <!doctype html> that's it and you're site is now
>>> considered html5, and if you're site validated for XHTML or HTML prior
>>> it should validate for HTML5.
>> Months ago I tried converting a theme to HTML5, but had to give it up for
>> the following reason:
>> Ran into a number of validation errors with obsolete tags which are no
>> longer supported by HTML5. Though they were all fixable but it gave me a
>> second thought perhaps it's not such a good idea to be progressive with
>> newer markup technology for sites that need to go live today, tomorrow, next
>> year and that I have no control, no way to know how the site owners going to
>> use their sites and how many plugins they will be using which have terribly
>> markup in the template files. I can't remember exactly how many errors I
>> encountered except this one that had me a change of heart because  I am not
>> certain of the impact on the WCAG 2.0 success criteria and how today's
>> Screen readers handle the HTML5.
>> W3C validator flagged Summary attribute as obsolete. Quote: "The summary
>> attribute is obsolete. Consider describing the structure of complex tables
>> in <caption> or in a paragraph and pointing to the paragraph using the
>> aria-describedby attribute."  So this is more a validation error than
>> accessibility issue right? TotalValidator doesn't find it wrong. So I assume
>> it's not an accessibility issue, or TotalValidator got it wrong.
>> Last time I checked, browsers are buggy rendering Caption element, not
>> sure if this is still the case but I certainly don't want to go find a hack
>> or invent a hack to make caption element render correctly in all
>> browsers. Aria-described  attribute maybe a way to go but I don't know
>> little about it.
>> tee
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>      David Storey
> Chief Web Opener / Product Manager, Opera Dragonfly
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