On Aug 18, 2010, at 7:06 AM, jeffrey morin wrote:

> It's a good starter book to introduce you to HTML5.  It's not a
> reference manual just a good starter book.  You still should read the
> W3C spec and get the other book Introduction to HTML5.
> I will disagree with Jason Grant that it's too early to start using
> HTML5.  Because HTML5 supports the older tags you can start using it
> today by simply using <!doctype html> that's it and you're site is now
> considered html5, and if you're site validated for XHTML or HTML prior
> it should validate for HTML5.  

Months ago I tried converting a theme to HTML5, but had to give it up for the 
following reason:

Ran into a number of validation errors with obsolete tags which are no longer 
supported by HTML5. Though they were all fixable but it gave me a second 
thought perhaps it's not such a good idea to be progressive with newer markup 
technology for sites that need to go live today, tomorrow, next year and that I 
have no control, no way to know how the site owners going to use their sites 
and how many plugins they will be using which have terribly markup in the 
template files. I can't remember exactly how many errors I encountered except 
this one that had me a change of heart because  I am not certain of the impact 
on the WCAG 2.0 success criteria and how today's Screen readers handle the 

W3C validator flagged Summary attribute as obsolete. Quote: "The summary 
attribute is obsolete. Consider describing the structure of complex tables in 
<caption> or in a paragraph and pointing to the paragraph using the 
aria-describedby attribute."  So this is more a validation error than 
accessibility issue right? TotalValidator doesn't find it wrong. So I assume 
it's not an accessibility issue, or TotalValidator got it wrong.

Last time I checked, browsers are buggy rendering Caption element, not sure if 
this is still the case but I certainly don't want to go find a hack or invent a 
hack to make caption element render correctly in all browsers. Aria-described  
attribute maybe a way to go but I don't know little about it.


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