On 24/08/2010 21:33, tee wrote:
Despite what I have learned from David Story about Opera Mini, media
queries along cannot make a usable mobile version of site that is
truly targets mobile user. Content negotiation and adaption cannot be
forgone, there are more to it to make usable mobile version site than
displaying none to elements you don't want the mobile users see.

Of course that depends on the type of site and the content that's currently there. A site that's very focussed on just the essential actions (say a very specific web application or single-purpose site) will have the same content on both desktop and mobile devices. What's often the case is that desktop versions of sites (remembering my days as university web editor here) start to bloat dramatically (with departments angling for a bit of space on the homepage, then slapping on videos and "welcome from the Vice Chancellor" type messages), when really both on mobile and desktop they should be pared down to the absolute essentials of what visitors come there to do. It's just that on desktop, with our large monitors and mice (leaving accessibility considerations to the side for a minute) we've become adept at quickly moving past the cruft to the actual bits we want. These are then the ones that developers want to hide from mobile views.

This sort of approach has recently been expounded by Luke Wroblewski with his "mobile first" philosophy. It's a good wake-up call (but of course this is only applicable in certain situations). http://www.lukew.com/

As ever, your mileage may vary,

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]

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