On Sep 19, 2010, at 2:17 PM, tee wrote:

> Hi David,
> Just got a chance to revisit this issue.
> I want the border radius for table. While setting up an example page I 
> realized why I thought border radius isn't possible was due to the background 
> colors I had for the table and td cell, with the combination of border radius 
> for table.
> Border collapsing is handy and clean when I want to have consistent borders 
> width in th and td cells (#1a) without having to declare border 
> (left/right/top/bottom) individually , and I'd been using this for years.

Also, something I'd just discovered, the "border collapse" is a remedy for an 
IE8 table bug which the table has a 100% width but it can't expand to the 
container's width. A bug I stumble on a couple times and got  it fixed but 
didn't quite know how I got it sorted, until just now,  I removed the border 
collapse in a site that I was working to try to get the radius effect, and 
found that it triggered the table bug.


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