I tried but couldn't get it to work.

I tried these:

a[href="http://site.com"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}
a[href="http://www.site.com"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}
a[href="http://subdomain.site.com/"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}
a[href^="http://subdomain.site.com"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}
a[href^="http://subdomain.site.com/"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}
and also tried yours
a[href*="http://subdomain.site.com"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}

The only way I could get it works is this:

a[href^="http"]{color: #e21;background: #555;} 


On Oct 20, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
> If you deal with absolute paths, you should be able to match internal links
> with this:
> a[href*='domain-name']
> --
> Regards,
> Thierry
> www.tjkdesign.com | www.ez-css.org | @thierrykoblentz

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