On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 3:57 PM, tee <weblis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Unless I am missing the obvious, this wouldn't work because I have no way to 
> know what external links client's will link to. I need a method that wouldn't 
> fail.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question all you need to do is style
your a tags this way in this order to get the right style on the right

a { style whatever the default style you want }
a[href^="http"] { style whatever style you want for all external links }
a[href*="sitethatisnotanexternalsite.com"] { style should be the same
styles used in the a{} style}

the above order of rules will style external and internal links
differently and won't fail and if there are additional domains that
you want styled the same as the internal links you just keep adding
a[href*="siteyouwanttoadd.com"] { styling} to the bottom of the list.
Keep adding them to the bottom is the key here.

Jason Arnold

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