> Umm. In your particular case, 'domain-name' would be 'site.com'. I
> believe Thierry meant you to use -
> a[href*="site.com"] {...}
> Is that what you tried?
> Cordially,
> David
> --

I thought I did, but I guess I didn't as I kept thinking absolute path 
therefore it must start with "http://";

It overwrites [href^="http"] rule though.

I have this:
a[href*="site.com"] {color: #e21;background: #555;}

Then I added this thinking this will tell the browser to give external link 
with a white background, but all links are with white background.

[href^="http"]{color: #e21;background: #fff;}

The http overrules the one with "site.com" value.

According to the specs,
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value begins with the prefix 

Represents an element with the att attribute whose value ends with the suffix 

Represents an element with the att attribute whose value contains at least one 
instance of the substring “val”.

Unless I can be certain external links will never share a same word with the 
site domain name, it's not very safe to use the attributes.


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