On 29 October 2010 16:21, David Hucklesby <huckle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/28/10 5:25 PM, Mathew Robertson wrote:
>> I'll stick my neck out and say... dont do it for the CSS bit...
>> specifically, you should be asking -> What is the point of adding a
>> specific class to html/body for a specific browser?  In particular,
>> using this technique discourages the whole "graceful degradation"
>> thing. And it adds complexity to the markup too, which doesn't
>> necessarily help your brain.
>> Its an idea which can be used, but that doesn't mean all ideas are
>> good ideas...
> Okay. A specific scenario:
> I use RGBa backgrounds quite a lot. IE prior to v.9 supports RGBa
> "backgrounds" via its gradient filter. How, without using conditional
> comments at all, do I target IE 6,7, and 8, bearing in mind that the
> solid background color I give very old browsers must be removed from
> these versions of IE?
> IMHO, adding classes to the HTML tag this way is far cleaner than using
> a number of IE-only style sheets, and the complexity all those
> conditional comments add to the markup as well...
Hi David,

I didn't actually say "dont use conditional comments"... I just said dont do
it for the html or body tags.

The reasoning being to keep the IE-specific logic all in one place (aka:
target the element using existing selectors), rather than putting some logic
in your main document (ie: adding a class) and some in one or more external

Whether using distinct stylesheets for each browser or not, is an separate
albeit related, discussion on how separation of logic/code/ideas works for a
given person.

Mathew Robertson

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