Hi Chuck,

A few questions, see below.

On 05/07/2014 03:01 AM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
> I tried the new wspr under both 64 bit Fedora 20 and 64 bit Fedora Rawhide.

When you say the new wspr, do you mean you checked out the latest from SVN?

> I have been running wspr 3829 for some time, compiling it
> repeatedly with each new version of Rawhide without issues.
> I am stumped on the new version of wspr.
Again, what version, and what WSPR source are you using?
> Depending on how I call it, wspr fails because it can not
> find sfftw_destroy_plan_  or tkinter.
How are you calling WSPR when it fails, and how are you calling WSPR 
when it does not fail? How are you determining the existance and proper 
operation of Tkinter? How eas it installed, RPMs or source build, same 
again for python3,

>      However,
> libfftw3f.a does include this entry, and there does seem
> to be a tkinter.
Did you build WSPR from the latest SVN srouce? The configure script, in 
the current development branch checks that library function 
specifically, if it doesn't pass, configure should warn and exit. Did 
you receive any warning?

How did you install FFTW3, from Fedora RPM's or did you build FFTW3 from 

Greg, KI7MT

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