On 04/09/2014 21:37, Joe Taylor wrote:
> Hi Bill and all,
Hi Joe,
>> Hope the travels were enjoyable, I gather from Dave G4RGK that the WX in
>> France wasn't too pleasant.
> Some rain, to be sure.  But we had a delightful time nevertheless!
> Thanks for detailing the remaining issues you're aware of in WSJT-X v1.4.
> I'm working on bringing the User Guide up to date.  I should be able to
> post a new version soon.  It will be accessible to those who are
> compiling v1.4 for themselves.
> I was not aware that we had CAT problems that can affect all users.  (I
> haven't seen any examples of frequency walking up/down the band on my
> TS-2000, but admittedly my usage represents a small sample.)
I may be too closely focused on the faults, it is hard to gauge how many 
users will see a degradation with respect to v1.3. My main concern is 
that many issues will give v1.4 a bad name and whilst being inundated 
with issues to fix we will not have the bulk of users upgrading.
> As for the problems with FT817/857/897 and HRD... Couldn't we specify up
> front that these issues are there, and warn users that might be affected
> that they might want to delay upgrading to v1.4 a bit longer?
We can certainly do that and as far as the HRD issue is concerned it 
probably effects v1.3 just as badly so v1.4 may be neutral for HRD 
users. Too a certain extent the Yaesu FT817/857/897 is broken in v1.3 
too in that split doesn't work so again may be neutral.
> It seems to me that v1.4 is significantly better than v1.3 for many --
> probably most? -- users.  Certainly I'm happy to be using it myself.
> Wouldn't it be helpful to start getting some user feedback on it, pretty
> soon?
I guess I am afraid that a neither large number of defect reports nor a 
low uptake on upgrades will do us any good. As for feedback, in the last 
week or so there has been much more feedback on v1.4 from self-builders 
and that has been very helpful. I have worked with Greg to get the JTSDK 
in a more developer friendly form on Windows in the last couple of weeks 
and I think that will encourage a few more to start using v1.4 built 
from source.

Interestingly there was an unofficial version of v1.4 posted on the 
HamApps forum 
and the uptake has been nil as far as I can see. I did post a follow up 
to say that it was an unofficial alpha release with a few caveats about 
support but still expected a few to try it out.
>       -- Joe, K1JT
>>> We have a lot of good new code, documentation, and development aids in
>>> the repository.  Can we agree that it's reasonable to plan for a beta
>>> release of WSJT-X v1.4 before too many more weeks have passed?
>> I guess this is aimed at me more than most. I'd love to say "Yes let's
>> do it!" but I'm afraid my opinion hasn't moved on much from the last
>> time we had this discussion. For this I must apologise since I have not
>> been able to apply as much effort since then as I would have liked. I
>> have only really been able to respond to issue reports and requests and
>> not the the core issues that I know are still there. Here is a quick
>> summary:
>> CAT in general - there is a fundamental flaw in the strategy I have used
>> that can cause the frequency to walk up/down the band on some
>> rig/interface combinations. I know basically how to fix it but the
>> changes will need much testing since they lie largely in the remaining
>> MainWindow class CAT code which is defect prone due its close coupling
>> with the rest of the application logic.
>> Hamlib FT817/857/897 enhancements - this project is currently stalled on
>> what appears to be a show stopper. Unfortunately since I am relying on
>> undocumented CAT commands for these rigs the non-cooperation of one of
>> the key commands has stalled my efforts. I need to put in a lot of time
>> trying to work around this issue before giving up since this rig group
>> is such a popular and common feature in many shacks.
>> HRD - recent issues raised by Mike W9MDB have revealed what appears to
>> be serious problem talking to HRD when the HRD logbook is active. Given
>> that one of the main reasons for using HRD to interface to the rig is
>> because the user uses the HRD logbook, I believe this issue is critical
>> for HRD users. Mike is helping with trying to get to the root cause
>> which currently seems to be at the HRD end, but we don't know that for
>> sure yet. Again undocumented commands are problematic since HRD don't
>> document any of their TCP/IP interface.
>> Documentation - when I asked if anyone would like to help with
>> documentation of the new config and CAT features, Chase W4TI kindly
>> offered to help and I thought we were making good progress with me
>> feeding him technical details of the implementation and its implications
>> and he starting to make extensive edits to the user guide. Unfortunately
>> this effort stalled for which I must take some blame for not posting
>> enough public information of our work progress. Chase has now stepped
>> back from the project feeling that he was mislead and misinformed about
>> what was needed. This is great shame as people stepping up to contribute
>> are hard to find, but that is where we stand.
>> Of these areas the 1st and last to a lesser extent are probably the ones
>> I would most worry about as they potentially effect all users.
>>>     -- Joe, K1JT
>> 73
>> Bill
>> G4WJS.
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