On 11/09/2014 22:05, Bill Somerville wrote:
> No Hamlib DLLs which is what you have below - all is OK now.
Oops, no it's not. That libhamlib-2.dll should not be there. I suspect 
it is old and not put there by the build you have just done.

Try nuking the install directory and running the build again.
>> And it STILL puts hamlib-2.dll in the Release\bin directory
>> Directory of C:\JTSDK-QT\wsjtx\install\Release\bin
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM    <DIR>          .
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM    <DIR>          ..
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM        22,378,434 icudt51.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         3,369,922 icuin51.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         1,978,690 icuuc51.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:50 PM           680,298 jt65code.exe
>> 09/11/2014  03:50 PM           861,842 jt9.exe
>> 09/11/2014  03:50 PM           678,068 jt9code.exe
>> 09/11/2014  03:51 PM           185,344 kvasd.exe
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         2,446,144 libfftw3f-3.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM           544,817 libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         1,098,392 libgfortran-3.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         7,089,621 libhamlib-2.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM           487,816 libquadmath-0.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM           989,805 libstdc++-6.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM            73,901 libwinpthread-1.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:53 PM                35 qt.conf
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         4,607,488 Qt5Core.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         4,624,896 Qt5Gui.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM           824,320 Qt5Multimedia.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         1,393,152 Qt5Network.dll
>> 09/11/2014  03:56 PM         6,282,752 Qt5Widgets.dll
>> 03/27/2014  11:36 AM           322,872 rigctld.exe
>> 09/11/2014  03:53 PM         5,879,472 wsjtx.exe
>>                 22 File(s)     66,798,081 bytes
>> But it does run now at least.
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.

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