Dear Colleagues,

I've given some thought recently to issues of Copyright, Licensing, and 
attribution of credits related to our software. I want to share my 
thinking with you and ask for possible input from others.

As I see it, we should work toward satisfying the following goals:

1. A basic notice of copyright, licensing, and warranty disclaimer 
should be included in every distribution package and installed along 
with the program.  Its content should be something like the following 
text that Greg recently put into the file .../branches/wspr/COPYRIGHT in 
our SVN repository:

Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by Joseph H Taylor, Jr, K1JT

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

2. A copy of GPLv3 should be installed along with our programs. See file 

3. To comply with GPLv3 we must provide all source code necessary to 
build the program, or instructions on how to obtain it.  (I believe we 
are already doing this.)

4. We should include suitable acknowledgments to individuals and 
essential prior work that has made our program possible.  Suitable 
places may be the Acknowledgments section of our User Guides, 'About' 
windows in our programs, a 'README' file installed along with each 
program, etc.  (I believe we are already doing this, too; but we should 
be on the lookout for possible omissions or inconsistencies.)

5. In the case of KVASD, which implements the patent-licensed algorithm 
for the Koetter-Vardy Algebraic Soft-Decision Reed-Solomon Decoder, we 
must ensure that users who install it have seen and accepted the terms 
of its End User License Agreement.


I should mention that among my motivations for again looking into these 
matters was my recent examination of downloadable packages for the 
program "JT65-HF HB9HQX-EDition", available on SourceForge.  There are 
two packages: a Windows binary installer and a Source code package. 
This program is licensed under GPLv2.  A 'readme' file says "The program 
is mainly based on W6CQz, Joe Large's JT65-HF".  It does not mention WSJT.

The HB9HQX 'readme' file includes some highlights of program features, 
including "Rapid decode result with singledecoder and multidecode." That 
line caught my eye, so I started looking into whether he (or perhaps 
someone else) had developed independent code for the JT65 protocol (as 
specified in my September-October 2005 article in QEX,  No: it turns out 
that like W6CQZ in the original JT65-HF, and I guess anyone else who has 
created a program that decodes JT65, he has simply taken code from our 
WSJT repository, applied the "multi-decoding" ideas from MAP65, compiled 
it into a windows dll, and used it pretty much as is, including 
invocation of the closed-source KVASD decoder.

I have no problem with the use of our open-source code in another 
program.  After all, that's a major reason for why it is open source! 
Surely this can be done in the good ham spirit of sharing information 
and techniques among enthusiastic hobbyists.  However, some necessary 
issues related to copyright, licensing, and attribution must receive 
suitable attention.  We have been somewhat lax about these things in the 
past -- and so have some others making use of our code.

I have had some brief communication with "Beat", HB9HQX.  I believe he 
is in agreement with most or all of the above, and will do what's 
necessary to bring his version of JT65-HF into compliance with both our 
license and his.  I am sending him a copy of this message.

Your comments and suggestions will be most welcome.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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