Bill --

Thanks for the quick fix.  Probably I should have been able to figure 
out what was wrong, myself; but I'm not particularly comfortable with 
the use of QVariants, and I hadn't quite figured out what you were doing 
with the "frequencies" list.

Surely the line


should now read



Now might be a good time to mention a growing concern about our code in 

It seems to me that mainwindow.cpp is getting far too big and unwieldy 
-- more than 4000 lines now.  Too many things have been just "added on", 
most recently all the WSPR mode stuff.  Arguably the state-machine logic 
used in guiUpdate() is complicated, hard to follow, and perhaps 
out-of-place anyway in an event-driven program.

In short, I think mainwindow.cpp could use a big dose of what I guess is 
now called "refactoring" by real programmers (which I'm not). :-)

Thoughts on this topic from others would be welcome.

        -- Joe

On 5/29/2015 6:23 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
> On 29/05/2015 01:55, Joe Taylor wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
> Hi Joe,
>> Thanks for your work on the frequency/mode combinations.
>> An unwanted side effect is that WSPR-mode band hopping no longer works.
>>     Not sure why, but I've determined that the structure
>>      auto f = frequency.value<Frequency>();
>> presently at line 4349 in mainwindow.cpp always evaluates to f=0.
> Sorry about that. The problem is that I had used the Qt compatible data
> model to access the underlying filtered frequency list and the default
> role for the data() access function is the display role which is a
> string including the band name rather than the raw Frequency type value.
> I have put in a quick fix for now but I will improve the whole access to
> underlying model data implementation when I get back later.
>>      -- Joe
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
>> On 5/28/2015 7:32 PM, Bill Somerville wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have added a change to make working frequencies mode dependent. The
>>> first thing you will notice is that your working frequencies will have
>>> disappeared, this is because the format of the frequencies table has
>>> changed. To restore the frequencies go to Settings->Frequencies and
>>> click the new "Reset" button, this will reset the working frequencies to
>>> default values.
>>> The default frequencies are defined in FrequencyList.cpp, they are a
>>> work in progress and will almost certainly need adjusting before
>>> release. Ferquencies can either have a specific mode value from the
>>> FrequencyList::Modes enumeration or the NULL_MODE value. If a frequency
>>> is designated as NULL_MODE it will appear whatever mode is chosen.
>>> I have removed the +2 kHz check box since changing to JT9 will select
>>> the JT9 frequencies and QSY to the one on the current band if there is
>>> one. Going to another mode will QSY to that mode's working frequency if
>>> there is one for the current band.
>>> This is all WIP so expect a few glitches but I thought that the
>>> functionality improvements my be worth a little pain with defects from
>>> early exposure. As always comments, suggestions and testing is welcome.
>>> 73
>>> Bill
>>> G4WJS.
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