On 06/04/2015 08:17 PM, Bill Somerville wrote:

> Note the last define. This file is generated by CMake and the lines in
> CMakeLists.txt at line 623 should be as below., which is how the file is
> generated.

I have just run "svn update" without errors or warnings and the revision 
is 5534 now. The mentioned issue is still here, even after "make clean".

> Are you certain that all the files in your workspace are up
> to date?

I have run "svn update" without errors or warnings. What can I do 
further to ensure the actuality of the files ?

> Please check you CMakeLists.txt at line 623 and compare with
> the fragment below.
> #
> # setup and test Fortran C/C++ interaction
> #
> include (FortranCInterface)
> FortranCInterface_VERIFY (CXX QUIET)
> hopping
> )

These lines are as you have mentioned. No difference. Only two 
additional spaces at the begin of the last 3 lines, in my file here.

Best 88 de Claude

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