Hi All,

looking at the PSKReporter.info stats, it appears that several testers 
are still running a version built from Joe's wsjtx_exp branch. These 
versions can be identified by the version number reported in 
"Help->About" which will be v1.6.1.

Because it may be a little confusing, here is a situation report that 
may clarify the position for some.

The current general availability release (GA) is v1.5.0, this supersedes 
the prior release candidate (RC) beta releases v1.5.0-rc1 and 
v1.5.0-rc2. These v1.5 releases are all built from the wsjtx-1.5 branch 
which is now dormant unless a major issue needs to be fixed urgently.

The current development code is in the wsjtx branch (a.k.a. trunk) and 
an application built from it will currently identify itself as 
v1.6.0-devel. In order to promote testing of the new WSPR features a 
Windows only alpha release of v1.6.0-devel was published on the 
WSPRnet.org web site. There are usually daily updates to the development 
code and stability is not guaranteed at any point in time. Despite this 
we welcome those who build and test the latest changes to give us 
feedback on quality and improvement suggestions.

For a while Joe K1JT was adding VHF & up, EME and WSPR features to 
WSJT-X in an experimental branch of the source code. This was done to 
limit disruption while the v1.5 releases were being stabilized. The 
wsjtx_exp branch was set to identify as v1.6.1-devel in the expectation 
that it might rejoin the main development stream after v1.6.0 was 
released, also this identification served to differentiate from the main 
development branch. As the experimental work progressed successfully it 
was merged back into the debvelopment stream in two tranches for VHF, 
EME, JT65B&C and JT4 first and then later WSPR. The experimental branch 
is now dormant and lags behind the main development stream by many updates.

So summarizing, if you are running a v1.6.1 version of WSJT-X, you are 
not running the latest code and we would appreciate testers and early 
adopters venturing into the less stable development code running the 
v1.6.0-devel version, updated and re-built reasonable regularly to keep 
up to date with developments.


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