On 01/12/2015 18:11, Michael Hartje wrote:
> Dear list readers,
> thanks to BIll for the quick reply
>> traffic. An easy fix would be to reduce the polling interval in WSJT-X.
>> Try a long interval like 99s at first to see what happens.
> I tested this during the day -- poll time = 99. But it does not help --
> It took about 1 hour until the control is lost.
> Starting in the morning and not sitting all the time at the screen, all
> the day the wspr reports are on the wrong frequency -- what a pitty :-(
> So I will ask again for one of my proposals -- is it possible to change
> wsjtx for staying on the last frequency, if the communication is lost?
> And on the other hand -- I will have a look into quisk and ask Jim
> (N2ADR) to develop an idea how to fix this kind of errors  on the quisk
> side.
> vy 73
> Michael
Hi Michael,

I have just reviewed the source of quisk and I see that it does not 
emulate the Hamlib rigctld but connects to rigctld using emulated rigctl 
client commands. This raises two issues:

1) the Hamlib rigctld is designed to be communicated with using the 
Hamlib library or by the rigctl command line program shipped with 
Hamlib. By emulating the Hamlib network commands there is a danger that 
quisk will get out of step with developments in Hamlib. Looking at the 
quisk code this has not happened yet as it only uses a few basic 
commands (M, m, F and, f),

2) WSJT-X takes advantage of many fixes in Hamlib, because the Hamlib 
code is included in both the rigctl and rigctld programs it is important 
to use the versions shipped with WSJT-X which are named 'rigctld-wsjtx' 
and 'rigctl-wsjtx'. Are you using the rigctld-wsjtx program shipped with 

I understand your wish to have WSPR band hopping disabled if the rig 
control capability breaks down, I will look into the best way to do this.


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