I'm in agreement with Richard and Dave. I am fascinated by this subject and 
grateful for the additional information. As with anything, the big knob is your 
friend rather than being mean about it. The "big knob"'l in this case is your 
delete button. Or, if you have that much angst about Joe, unsubscribe and all 
of your woes will be solved. 

Or, carry on and the rest of us can simply point and laugh and use you as an 
example of how not to behave once out of primary school. 

73 to all. 

Jim S. 

> On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:09 AM, Richard Bown <rich...@g8jvm.com> wrote:
> I fully Agree with Dave AA6YQ, that was uncalled for and very inaccurate and 
> vindictive
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:19:53 -0500
> " Dave AA6YQ" <aa...@ambersoft.com> wrote:
>>>>> AA6YQ comments below
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chase Turner [mailto:ke4...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 10:31 PM
>> To: WSJT software development
>> Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Gravitational Waves
>> You are a little late to this party, as usual. A lot of the discussion about 
>> this phenomena,
>> which doesn't have anything to do with WSJT (other than your ego that this 
>> is in fact your
>> mailing list) has been happening all over so many mailing lists that your 
>> response is cluttering,
>> off topic and a bit of braggadocio, even for you (who had nothing to do with 
>> the confirmation of
>> an earlier theory). The most fruitful discussions can be found, in the 
>> mailing list world that
>> many here might be interested in, located on the Time Nut's list. There may 
>> be other lists that
>> cross boundaries that many here would find interesting, too. 
>> Next time, please confine your responses to those who asked you what you 
>> thought, because I know
>> this list doesn't need a lot of off topic mail- your own rule, I think. But 
>> maybe you've changed
>> it in midstream, like you do so many other things.
>> And while I'm wondering, since Steve did most of the work on the decoder 
>> recently- it will be his
>> name first in the QEX article, right? Or do you actually believe you should 
>> be listed as the lead
>> author for the article- even though you did nothing more than error 
>> checking? 
>>>>> What a nasty, mean-spirited post. If your objective was sincerely 
>>>>> behavior change, it's hard
>>>>> to imagine a more incompetent attempt at achieving it.
>>              Dave, AA6YQ
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Joe Taylor <j...@princeton.edu> wrote:
>>    Hi all,
>>    After spending a most enjoyable week on the sunny Caribbean island of
>>    St. Lucia, I'm home again.  Returning was quite a shock -- the
>>    temperature here on arrival was 6 F.
>>    Probably you heard last Thursday's announcement about the detection of
>>    gravitational waves originating from a pair of colliding black holes,
>>    some 1.3 billion light years away, in the southern sky.  This is a major
>>    discovery in physics -- it opens a new window on the universe, if you
>>    like.
>>    Since I've already had off-list queries from several list members about
>>    this announcement, I'll share a few links to some of the essentials:
>>    Full press release from the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational
>>    Wave Observatory) collaboration:
>>    https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/news/ligo20160211
>>    The actual detected waveform of the black-hole collision, presented as
>>    an audio clip you can listen to:
>>    https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/video/ligo20160211v2
>>    In case you're interested in more details, I've posted a copy of the
>>    full announcement paper as published in Physical Review Letters here:
>>    http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/PhysRevLett.116.061102.pdf
>>            -- Joe, K1JT
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> -- 
> -- 
> Best wishes /73 
> Richard Bown
> Email : rich...@g8jvm.com
> HTTP  :  http://www.g8jvm.com
> nil carborundum a illegitemis
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