That's odd. I have a fairly freshly installed and updated Bionic right here
and gcc -v gives:
gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-12ubuntu1)

On the other hand, apt show gcc gives:
Package: gcc
Version: 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1

I did not manually upgrade anything, just apt upgrade.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 10:03 PM Greg Beam <> wrote:

> Correction:
> My schedule for the Feature Freeze / Release Candidate was wrong. The
> final feature Freeze in April 19th, not March. If there is a bug, it may
> be picked up and GCC bumped to 7.3. As it stands now, the repository is
> still sitting at 7.2 for Bionic (18.04).
> Apologies for the confusion.
> G.
> *From:* Greg Beam []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:43 PM
> *To:* 'WSJT software development' <>
> *Subject:* RE: [wsjt-devel] Memory Leak in jt9 Process
> Hi Doug,
> If the problem is in fact the GCC 7.2 tool chain, that may very well be a
> problem for 18.04 also. For Readline, the version was bumped to
> libreadline7 between Xenial (now obsolete) and Artful (obsolete in July).
> One should be able to specify libreadline-dev in the Debian control file,
> and libreadline7 should be picked up. Unless of course, there is a source
> code need for a feature within WSJTX that requires libreadline6
> specifically.
> The Final Ubuntu 18.04 package freeze happened yesterday. So, unless this
> issue is confirmed, and placed at high-priority with respect to release, I
> doubt GCC will shift-off of 7.2 between now and April 26th.
> I have all the builds for {Trusty, Xenial, Artful,{x86-64,x86}} available
> here:
> You can check the Debian source package control files. However, I do not
> specify the use of libreadline-dev specifically, as it’s being pulled in by
> one or more other meta packages; I don’t recall which off-hand.
> 73’s
> Greg, KI7MT
> *From:* Doug Collinge [
> <>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 20, 2018 5:20 PM
> *To:* WSJT software development <>
> *Subject:* Re: [wsjt-devel] Memory Leak in jt9 Process
> Mike W9MDB and I have done a bunch of testing to try to figure out this
> memory leak in jt9. I'm finally ready to make a report.
> I have installed the distributed deb binaries and built from source for
> 1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 on three different versions of Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS (latest
> LTS version), 17.10 (latest non-LTS version), and 18.04 (up-coming LTS
> pre-release). Here are the results:
> Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
> - The distributed binary for 1.9.0-rc2 works, 1.9.0-rc3 not tested.
> - Compiled binary for 1.9.0-rc2 works. 1.9.0-rc3 not tested.
> Ubuntu 17.10:
> - The distributed binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 work, no leak.
> - The compiled binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 have the memory leak
> problem, when compiled with the stock gcc, g++, and gfortran at 7.2.0.
> - The repositories for 17.10 also include gcc, g++, and gfortran at 6.4.0,
> which produces a functional wsjtx and a jt9 that does not leak.
> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS pre-release:
> - The distributed binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and 1.9.0-rc3 both fail to
> install, wanting dependency "libreadline6 (>= 6.0)" but readline6 is not in
> the 18.04 repository for some reason, though versions 5 and 7 are.
> - The compiled binaries for rc2 and rc3 both work with no leaks. gcc and
> friends are also at 7.3.0 so it must have been fixed.
> The bad news:
> - there IS a problem if someone running Ubuntu 17.10 tries to compile the
> source. (Like me!)
> - the currently-distributed binaries will not install on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
> when it comes out, unless they add readline6 to the repository.
> The good news:
> - the problem is not compiled into the distributed deb binaries.
> - the problem is evidently not in the wsjtx code, it's in gcc or its
> libraries, and it has already been fixed.
> - there is an easy fix if someone wants to compile it on Ubuntu 17.10 -
> downgrade gcc to gcc-6
> Recommendation:
> - the install notes should warn at least that the code may have a memory
> leak in jt9 if compiled on gcc 7.2.0, and suggest downgrading to gcc 6.4.0.
> Maybe cmake can exclude just that version automatically?
> - maybe the dependency in the distributed deb binary could be relaxed to
> allow readline7, just in case Ubuntu doesn't get around to including
> readline6 (presuming it works, of course)
> Doug VE7GNU
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 11:59 AM Doug Collinge <>
> wrote:
> There seems to be a memory leak in the jt9 process started by wsjtx. I
> have included a chart showing the memory use growing from about 20MiB to
> over 300MiB in the course of 11 hours. I set wsjtx to monitor 40m overnight
> and recorded the memory stats produced by /proc/*/statm at one minute
> intervals. The change in slope of the curves indicates the band opening and
> more signals being decoded.
> The configuration here is Ubuntu 17.10 with an RTL-SDR. gqrx demodulates
> USB, filters and feeds the audio to wsjt-x 1.9.0-rc1 using pulseaudio.
> Doug VE7GNU
> ​
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