Hi Doug, 


I’m tied up the next couple days, but after, I’ll pull a new ISO and see if I 
can decipher what going on there. You may want to try:


apt-cache policy gcc 


Maybe there are multiple versions installed and they are using alternatives or 
something along those lines. The repo default looks to be 7.2 at present, but 
clearly something odd is afoot.



Greg, KI7MT



From: Doug Collinge [mailto:doug.colli...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:28 AM
To: WSJT software development <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Memory Leak in jt9 Process


That's odd. I have a fairly freshly installed and updated Bionic right here and 
gcc -v gives:
gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-12ubuntu1)

On the other hand, apt show gcc gives:
Package: gcc
Version: 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1

I did not manually upgrade anything, just apt upgrade.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 10:03 PM Greg Beam <ki7m...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ki7m...@gmail.com> > wrote:



My schedule for the Feature Freeze / Release Candidate was wrong. The final 
feature Freeze in April 19th, not March. If there is a bug, it may be picked up 
and GCC bumped to 7.3. As it stands now, the repository is still sitting at 7.2 
for Bionic (18.04).


Apologies for the confusion.




From: Greg Beam [mailto:ki7m...@gmail.com <mailto:ki7m...@gmail.com> ] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:43 PM
To: 'WSJT software development' <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 
<mailto:wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> >
Subject: RE: [wsjt-devel] Memory Leak in jt9 Process


Hi Doug,


If the problem is in fact the GCC 7.2 tool chain, that may very well be a 
problem for 18.04 also. For Readline, the version was bumped to libreadline7 
between Xenial (now obsolete) and Artful (obsolete in July). One should be able 
to specify libreadline-dev in the Debian control file, and libreadline7 should 
be picked up. Unless of course, there is a source code need for a feature 
within WSJTX that requires libreadline6 specifically.


The Final Ubuntu 18.04 package freeze happened yesterday. So, unless this issue 
is confirmed, and placed at high-priority with respect to release, I doubt GCC 
will shift-off of 7.2 between now and April 26th.


I have all the builds for {Trusty, Xenial, Artful,{x86-64,x86}} available here:




You can check the Debian source package control files. However, I do not 
specify the use of libreadline-dev specifically, as it’s being pulled in by one 
or more other meta packages; I don’t recall which off-hand.



Greg, KI7MT


From: Doug Collinge [mailto:doug.colli...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 5:20 PM
To: WSJT software development <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 
<mailto:wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> >
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Memory Leak in jt9 Process


Mike W9MDB and I have done a bunch of testing to try to figure out this memory 
leak in jt9. I'm finally ready to make a report.

I have installed the distributed deb binaries and built from source for 
1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 on three different versions of Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS (latest LTS 
version), 17.10 (latest non-LTS version), and 18.04 (up-coming LTS 
pre-release). Here are the results:

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

- The distributed binary for 1.9.0-rc2 works, 1.9.0-rc3 not tested.

- Compiled binary for 1.9.0-rc2 works. 1.9.0-rc3 not tested.

Ubuntu 17.10:

- The distributed binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 work, no leak.

- The compiled binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and rc3 have the memory leak problem, 
when compiled with the stock gcc, g++, and gfortran at 7.2.0.

- The repositories for 17.10 also include gcc, g++, and gfortran at 6.4.0, 
which produces a functional wsjtx and a jt9 that does not leak.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS pre-release:

- The distributed binaries for 1.9.0-rc2 and 1.9.0-rc3 both fail to install, 
wanting dependency "libreadline6 (>= 6.0)" but readline6 is not in the 18.04 
repository for some reason, though versions 5 and 7 are.

- The compiled binaries for rc2 and rc3 both work with no leaks. gcc and 
friends are also at 7.3.0 so it must have been fixed.

The bad news:

- there IS a problem if someone running Ubuntu 17.10 tries to compile the 
source. (Like me!)

- the currently-distributed binaries will not install on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS when 
it comes out, unless they add readline6 to the repository.

The good news:

- the problem is not compiled into the distributed deb binaries.

- the problem is evidently not in the wsjtx code, it's in gcc or its libraries, 
and it has already been fixed.

- there is an easy fix if someone wants to compile it on Ubuntu 17.10 - 
downgrade gcc to gcc-6


- the install notes should warn at least that the code may have a memory leak 
in jt9 if compiled on gcc 7.2.0, and suggest downgrading to gcc 6.4.0. Maybe 
cmake can exclude just that version automatically? 

- maybe the dependency in the distributed deb binary could be relaxed to allow 
readline7, just in case Ubuntu doesn't get around to including readline6 
(presuming it works, of course)



On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 11:59 AM Doug Collinge <doug.colli...@gmail.com 
<mailto:doug.colli...@gmail.com> > wrote:

There seems to be a memory leak in the jt9 process started by wsjtx. I have 
included a chart showing the memory use growing from about 20MiB to over 300MiB 
in the course of 11 hours. I set wsjtx to monitor 40m overnight and recorded 
the memory stats produced by /proc/*/statm at one minute intervals. The change 
in slope of the curves indicates the band opening and more signals being 


The configuration here is Ubuntu 17.10 with an RTL-SDR. gqrx demodulates USB, 
filters and feeds the audio to wsjt-x 1.9.0-rc1 using pulseaudio.





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