On 23/03/2018 20:41, Alex, VE3NEA wrote:
I have written some code that allows a UDP server, e.g., a logger, to tell WSJT-X what background color to use for each callsign in the Band Activity panel. This might be useful to those who chase various awards, if the logger assigns different colors to new IOTA groups, US counties, etc. The end result looks like on the attached screenshot. The .diff file is here:


The zip also includes a Delphi class for listening and replying to the WSJT-X messages, and a demo program that shows how to use the class, which is also useful for testing the new feature once it is included in WSJT-X.

Please review and merge if OK.

Hi Alex,

looks good but I have some issues. Please check out this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlvc5kxy85ymtn9/message_aggregator.zip?dl=0 , it is a very basic UDP message server application written in Object Pascal and also uses Indy for services. The message cracking routines may be useful to you, free free to copy them - all I require is credit.

I will look in more detail at your patch, I have a concern about cursor positioning in the decode windows that I need to check.

There is a requirement to negotiate the message schema number if you intend to send messages back to WSJT-X instances, this is necessary in case a new schema is introduced as the WSJT-X UDP messages are a grid topology and all nodes must agree on the "on the wire" message schema. The schema number is allowed to decrease if an old lower schema node joins the party. The MessageServer.cpp class in the WSJT-X sources does this correctly. See code at line 155 handling Heartbeat messages here: https://sourceforge.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/HEAD/tree/branches/wsjtx/MessageServer.cpp .

I also have a partial implementation of joining a multicast group for the AutoIt scripting language, this is relevant because it has no built in library support for multicast and it is used to implement the current version of JTAlert, so JTAlert must bind a unicast address for now. If JTAlert is in the grid then it must degrade to a single server (JTAlert) many client (WSJT-X) topology, which excludes other servers :( I need to find time to complete this and offer it to Laurie as a plug in replacement for the AutoIt UDP server module.


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