Hi Alex,

patch works fine for me:

bill@BILLS_LENOVO ~/src/wsjt ((a4e77bb...))

$ patch --dry-run -p1 <~/Dropbox/Public/highlight.diff
patching file `CMakeLists.txt'
patching file `MessageClient.cpp'
patching file `MessageClient.hpp'
patching file `MessageServer.cpp'
patching file `MessageServer.hpp'
patching file `NetworkMessage.hpp'
patching file `UDPExamples/ClientWidget.cpp'
patching file `UDPExamples/ClientWidget.hpp'
patching file `UDPExamples/MessageAggregatorMainWindow.cpp'
patching file `UDPExamples/MessageAggregatorMainWindow.hpp'
patching file `displaytext.cpp'
patching file `displaytext.h'
patching file `mainwindow.cpp'

bill@BILLS_LENOVO ~/src/wsjt ((a4e77bb...))
$ which patch

Using the patch utility found in a Windows git-bash installation but any correctly installed GNU patch should work.


On 26/03/2018 02:26, Alex, VE3NEA wrote:
Hi Bill,

The patch utility crashes when trying to apply this patch. Do I need to specify some extra command line switches? Maybe you could create a branch with your changes that I would check out instead?

73 Alex VE3NEA

On 2018-03-25 18:52, Bill Somerville wrote:
Hi Alex,

I have added a few enhancements to your proposed patch:


this extends the UDP message to include the foreground colour as well as the background colour. The colours are passed as QColor format fields which are a little more complicated but are already supported by the Qt QDataStream formats. The main reason for the field format is that QColor can specify many more colours and also anĀ  invalid colour value (spec = 0). The invalid value is used to reset the background and or foreground colour to defaults. The internal implementation in WSJT-X keeps a dictionary of highlight commands send and applies the colours to all existing decodes and future decodes, this should explain the need for a resetting mechanism.

As an example I have enhanced the WSJT-X MessageServer class and the reference message_aggregator application (the C++ Qt one) provided with WSJT-X to exercise the new UDP message, it does so by displaying a list of "calls of interest" which it relays to all connected WSJT-X clients. Callsigns may be added to, edited, and deleted (right-click the list for a context menu).

Give it a try and see what you think.


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