Hi Bill,

I applied your patch to WSJT-X and changed my UDP server to send two QColor parameters, everything works fine. However, there are a few issues due to storing the list of highlighted calls.

1. Some developers may prefer to highlight only the senders' callsigns, or at least use different colors depending on the callsign position in the message. Your code does not allow this.

2. The server may not be running when a call whose status has changed is decoded again, this results in incorrect highlighting. If there is no up to date info, it might be better not to highlight at all.

3. When the status of a callsign changes, e.g. because we have worked it, the new colors are applied to all historical data, which is incorrect since the call was not a dupe until it was worked.

All these issues could be fixed by adding an option to the highlight message that tells the client to apply the colors only to the last instance of the call and not to add an entry to the list.

73 Alex VE3NEA

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