Hi Al and all,

On 5/18/2018 11:21 AM, Al Pawlowski K6AVP wrote:
Why not make the FT/JT messages a bit longer to accommodate the compound calls?

If a longer tx/rx cycle time would be needed for FT8 - up to 30s would be fine 
by me. It would be nice to have enough time to manually initiate a decodable CQ 

If a longer cycle time or message improved decode performance, that too would 
be nice. I do not remember yet having a FT8 decode below about -20, but 
regularly had  JT65’s below -25.

Of course longer messages are possible, in principle.

We think all the time about trade-offs involving such things as information packet size, data compression scheme, transmission length, decoder complexity, threshold S/N, false-decode rate, T/R turn-around interval, signal bandwidth, and channel characteristics. Each mode currently supported in WSJT-X (and the various knock-off programs derived from WSJT-X) represents a different set of choices for the relevant algorithms and parameters.

Do keep in mind that while it takes only a few seconds to drop such a suggestion into an email to this list, it takes many person-months to develop and implement a new mode.

For every finished mode that you find in WSJT-X, there are several variations (and several completely different possibilities) that we tried and eventually rejected.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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