On 6/30/2018 10:14 AM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

... I noticed the the Baker team gave a lukewarm endorsement of FT8 on their news update ...

I do not consider their endorsement of FT8 to be lukewarm, at all.

Currently they have uploaded 12,319 QSOs to ClubLog:

CQ   4,735
SSB  4,507
FT8  3,077

One of their intentions was to run CW amd SSB when band conditions are good, when QSO rates can be highest. FT8 works well even in poorer conditions. I believe they are happy with their decision to use FT8 and its DXpedition Mode.

They would be even happier if more people used the correct software and followed the Hound operating instructions, preferably with a dollop of common sense.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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