Perhaps these contests should be on a separate frequency designated to be
operated as "contest mode"?

Bill W2PKY

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 7:37 PM W0MU Mike Fatchett <> wrote:

> First of all I want to thank everyone for this great advancement in the
> hobby!
> The CQ WW VHF was my first exposure to contest mode and it was a very
> frustrating 27 hours.
> If I am in contest mode and I call CQ and get an answer from someone who
> is not, there is essentially no way to complete a qso unless one side
> changes into or out of contest mode.  What happened to me is I would
> switch and then the other side would switch and we would be opposite.
> Frustrating!
> The main issue is that we cannot expect those not in the contest to have
> to switch into a specific mode to work us.  This does not happen in any
> other contest.  We cannot expect this from casual ops.  I am glad they
> want to work me.  Being able to work them should be painless too!
> Why is contest mode needed?  If a qso is good in contest mode with less
> sequences I suggest that all FT8 exchanges be the same. Is there a
> specific reason two have multiple sets of exchanges for in a contest and
> not in a contest?  I don't think so.
> I understand that this was an issue for the June VHF contest too.
> If you guys can move my xmit around in fox/hound mode, which worked out
> really well, there has to be a solution for this.  I believe that the
> fox was still able to work people not running hound?  We need the same
> ability in contest mode.
> I believe that this is already being examined but I thought I would give
> my feedback.  I would be happy to provide more information if desired.
> Thanks again for all the hard work in bringing us FT8!
> W0MU
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