George <> writes:

> Hello,
> I am running Mint Linux 18.2 & 18.3 (2 different computers) which are 
> both long term support releases and are supported till 2021.
> When I attempt to install wsjtx 2.0.0  (amd64) it states that I need 
> libc6 to be greater than 2.27 the version of libc6 that is installed on 
> my computer is 2.23 and there is upgarde to install the version you are 
> requiring.
> Please either fix the version 2 code to allow execution on my machines 
> or provide back compatibility to version 1.9 so that I can run your 
> software.
> Regards,
> George

If the wsjt maintainers are interested, I am willing to work on
packaging WSJTX for flatpak over the holiday break. Flatpak is ideal for
packaging software like wsjtx insofar as it gracefully handles the
out-of-tree hamlib distribution. Installation on linux for non-technical
users becomes much easier --- flathub manages building and distribution,
and users would only need to enable the flathub repository. After this,
they simply search for it in their Software Center, and wsjtx need-not
be updated on its own. Flatpak is supported by all major distributions.

If I am going to go through the effort of doing so, however, I would
like confirmation that you are interested in making this a supported
release mechanism for linux users. I am unable to operate HF during the
semester, so I do not follow releases very closely, and would not like
to have users installing the package from Flathub and being frustrated
by delayed updates. Version bumping is very simple (simply update
checksums in a yaml file and push to a special github repository ---
flathub watches for changes on that repository and handles building), so
if you are willing to manage these version bumps yourself, even better.

Information on flatpak and flathub can be found here:

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