I had to reinstall my Windows 10 system and I see this problem now where I 
didn't see it before.  I was doing the bleeding edge updates but haven't 
re-enable that yet so I was running V2.0 on a more recent Windows builds before 
without problem.
If my computer idles for a while the audio output switches to another device.  
If you open the audio device manager you can see another other audio device 
getting the audio data.
I'm running an Apache 100 so my audio is via VB Audio and ethernet so there are 
no USB devices involved in my radio system so it's not them going to 
sleep...plus I've disabled the power saving on all USB devices.
I'm still trying to chase this down but it's low on my priority list right now.
de Mike W9MDB

    On Tuesday, January 1, 2019, 9:02:05 AM CST, Frank Kirschner 
<frank.kirsch...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 I often experience the same thing. If wsjt-x runs for awhile (about an hour or 
so), it no longer transmits. Both the enable transmit button and the tune 
button have no effect. It probably has something to do with how the program 
interacts with Windows. Closing and restarting the program fixes it.
73, Frank,
On Mon, Dec 31, 2018, 23:49 Richard Solomon <w1...@outlook.com wrote:

I know I have very little data to go on, but on a few occasions 
I have had the Tune button not work. Re-starting FT8 cures 
the problem.

Just recently, I was monitoring 160 for about an hour and 
decided to look at the SWR on the Antenna. 

I put the SPE-1.3K in Stand-by and hit the Tune button, That 
usually results in keying the rig and tickling the Antenna with 
about 35 Watts.  

Normally this works, but, now being the third time this anomaly 
has occurred, this time nothing. Usually, when I first turn everything 
on, I check the antennas, so I really don't keep track of every action 
after that. 

I know this is not much to go on, but I thought I would mention it, 
just in case someone else is experiencing this.
73 es HNY, Dick, W1KSZ

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