I am forwarding this conversation to amke sure you all know about this ...

I was running Omnirig 1.16 for years. I saw there was a new version (1.19)
so installed it. Have two rigs in use in Omnirig: FT-450D & IC-7300. Were
no problems before with Omnirig or the communications to/from the radios.

Now with the new 1.19, suppose the FT-450D is turned on and it's freq.
display reads 50.313.00. When I start WSJT-X using the new Omnirig it
changes the frequency to 50.313.05 on the radio display, and WSJT-X shows
it's 50.313 055. If I use WSJT-X to change bands the "55" Hz never shows up
again no mater what band I go to. But shut it all down and start over, same
thing happens.  55 Hz is added to the freq, of the FT-450D.

On the IC-7300, same thing happens at first BUT - I can see the display
briefly flash an extra 55 Hz on the display, then it goes to the correct
frequency in an instant most of the time. However, this morning it kept the
extra 55 Hz on the display of the IC-7300. Changing bands causes the 55 Hz
to go away from then on (for that operating session) like the FT-450D.

If I go back to the .exe for Omnirig 1.16 - the problems all go away and
all radios act perfectly fine just as they always did for years. I did not
change any settings when I switched to the new version to cause this.
However; after I observed it happen with 1.19 I tried to change various
settings such as baud rate (also for the radios), time out and other items
to no avail. In any case it does NOT happen when I go back to Omnirig 1.16.
Even with different settings. Omnirig 1.16 causes no problems at all.

I wrote the developer of Omnirig and got this response -

Hi Mike,

Thank you for reporting the problem. The frequency change by 55 Hz is not a
bug, WSJTX makes this change on startup to determine
the frequency change step of the radio. The program is supposed to undo the
change, but for some reason this does not happen. I
will contact the WSJTX developers to see how we can fix this.

Please note that I released OmniRig 1.19 in order to fix some serious
problems that WSJTX had with the old version. These
problems are now fixed, but the glitch you have reported still requires

73 Alex VE3NEA
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