On 01/06/2020 23:36, Laurie, VK3AMA wrote:
Tracked down the JTAlert non-coloring of decodes in the release candidates. 2.1.2 works correctly, but the -rcs don't (tested both rc2 & rc3) when the decode string contains a positive report. Reports that are negative are colored correctly.

"AA1AA VK3AMA +12" & "AA1AA VK3AMA R+12" - FAIL

"AA1AA VK3AMA -12" & "AA1AA VK3AMA R-12" - OK

Is it the "+" symbol at fault or is there some hidden character in the decodes display that breaks the string matching for positive report decodes?

JTAlert sending the coloring command containing the "VK3AMA R-12" string correctly colors while "VK3AMA R+12" fails with the only difference is the number sign in the string sent to WSJT-X.

de Laurie VK3AMA

Hi Laurie,

that's surprising, it can only be down to something changing in Qt as far as I can see. I will see if I can reproduce and investigate. The search does use a "whole words search" so it might well be that a '-' is considered a word character and a '+' not.


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