On 02/08/2020 15:29, alaw...@mudhawk.com wrote:

  Morning Bill and Saku,

  Normally I like to stay quiet until I'm 100% sure of what I'm saying,  but given that it's late in Europe already, and you guys have been so helpful,  I'm going to share an early status:

  IT WORKS!  :)

  I set the UDP Server value in wsjt-x (2.2.2)  to as suggested by Bill.  (The comments about what is a client and what is a server were very helpful - I had the notion backwards in my mind also.)

  I downloaded and applied Saku's latest 'alpha' updates to cqrlog,  and  entered the same multicast info in CQRLog's configuration.

  Lastly, I modified my python listener to do multicast.

  I still get the address in use error if I try to run my listener on the same host as wsjt-x and CQRLog,  but if I run my listener on another remote host,   it works just fine  and is able to receive data even when CQRLog is running, so I'm good.

  My wife has a bunch of things lined up for us to do today,  so I may not get much more play time,  but within the next day or so,  I'll more carefully document this experiment and send it out to the  mailing list for any other folks who may be trying ot do this.

Lastly, I got a kick out of somebody's comments about "ancient programming languages such as vb6".   As you may recall,  my point of doing this is to allow my homebrew rig control program (FT7361) to be the "master" as well as the final arbiter of commands sent to the radio, as well as to drive some network aware antenna switches etc.      I wrote FT7361 for satellite use  back in 1996 in visual basic V3.0...  (And just recently migrated  it forward to VB6.)

  Thank you both for your help!


Hi Al,

set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option on your UDP server socket before binding to it, that will stop the address in use error you are getting when trying to start multiple multicast servers on the same host/interface pair.


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