On the face of it looks like a good idea, but...

The final 73 is a confirmation for some that the QSO is indeed fully completed. If omitted there's intrinsic doubt that the RR has been received.

Omission might give a few more QSO's in a session but for contests that's irrelevant since it's the individuals score in comparison to other participants that counts.

Therefore so long as everyone uses the same protocol surely it doesn't matter?

The existing protocol keeps a little bit of humanity and politeness in the proceedings, which in my view at least is just as important as anything else.

Alan G0TLK, sent from my mobile device
On 6 May 2021 23:59:23 David Gillooly <david.gillo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Some hams on there end will not log a QSO unless they receive the confirmation 73 after their RRR/RR73.

I am not saying its wrong or right just that it's the practice of some hams

Dave, AA6RE

On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 1:34 PM Martin Davies G0HDB <marting0...@gmail.com> wrote:

The FT4 mode was introduced in WSJT-X version 2.1.0 in 2019; the release notes and announcements state that the mode is intended for use in HF digital contesting where 'quick-fire' exchanges such as those achieved using RTTY are desired. I'd like to suggest a change that would help achieve this aim a bit better; the following applies to v2.1.0 and all subsequent versions up to and including v2.3.1 (I haven't yet tried any of the RC versions of v2.4.0).

An FT4 (and an FT8!) QSO generally looks something like the following:

     K1JT G0HDB IO82
G0HDB K1JT -10
     K1JT G0HDB R-08
     K1JT G0HDB 73

Currently, the logging window only pops open on my screen to prompt me to log the QSO when the final (Tx5) '73' message is being sent - this is to all extents and purposes superfluous because the QSO has been successfully completed when K1JT has sent his RR73 (and I've received it). My sending the superfluous '73' message extends the overall duration of the QSO by adding a further Tx period at my end of the sequence so I can't move on to trying to start the next QSO.

I'd like to suggest that the logging window is opened when I've *received* the other station's RR73 message and that sending the final Tx5 '73' message is either removed from the sequence altogether or is made optional. This would help to improve the overall throughput of FT4 QSOs.

The code to open the logging window on receipt of an incoming 'RR73' message and to desist from sending the Tx5 '73' message must already exist within the app because that's what already happens when I operate as a Hound in FT8 Fox & Hounds mode - when I receive the Fox's 'RR73' the logging window pops open and my system doesn't send the unnecessary Tx5 '73' .

I'd actually like to see the logging window open in any mode when I either send *or receive* an RRR or RR73 message - in my opinion that would align the prompting to log the QSO much more closely with the completion of the exchange of the essential information for the QSO and would leave the sending of a final '73' as an optional nicety.

73, Martin G0HDB

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