Hi Peter,

I tries WSJT-X 2.5.4 on the Q65 sample Q65 files. I see all the decodes for Q65-60A and Q65-30A that are mentioned in the "Quick-Start Guide to Q65," so I have no idea what may be causing you trouble. If you haven't figured it out, you could send me a copy of file WSJT-X.ini in your log directory, and I'll look further...

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

On 1/4/2022 5:16 AM, Peter Sumner via wsjt-devel wrote:
  at some point the Q65 decoder engine has stopped showing decodes from multiple signals in the WSJT-X passband and I am at a loss to explain how or when this has occurred.

I have downloaded the sample files from the main Pulsar web site and tried to follow the Q65 quick start guide to no avail.

At this point none of the Q65-30A sample WAV files produce a decode for me, the single sample for Q65-60A seems to have two signals but can not get either to decode no matter what combination of Fast, Deep or Normal I have tried.

While I have successfully had some Q65 contacts to the USA today from Australia, it is making me doubt the results of the decoder.

Does anyone in the group have some proven Sample WAV files with multiple stations in a period I could try? (other than the ones from the WSJT-X web site)

So far tried WSJT-X version, 2.4, 2.50, 2.51 and 2.54 with the same result.  I know this used to work for me as in June July it was doing multi pass decoding on the openings to the EU and was working on EME during the recent W7GJ trip away.

I am leaning to this being a problem with a windows update as going back and testing with v2.4 should have given me good results but alas no

Still scratching my head.

Peter, vk5pj

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